Excellence in the Management of Purchasing
ILAS is the first dairy industry in the world to be awarded the Certificate of Excellence in the Management of Purchasing.
The transformation in processes of procurement has allowed us to obtain the Certificate UNE 15896:2015 of Excellence in the Management of Purchasing and to achieve the prestigious ‘P’ accreditation of ‘Quality Procurement Management’ granted by AERCE and IFPSM (the International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management), making us the first dairy company in the world to achieve this certificate.
The primary objective of this certification is the promotion and recognition of excellence in management of company purchasing departments, taking as a model of reference the best practises of European businesses.
The European Standard of Purchasing is the result of the efforts of the European purchasing associations, promoted by AERCE, which has compiled the best business practises in buying and procurement in order to offer to those responsible for these departments a guide to take their companies towards excellence. The certificate of best practise is a guarantee of progress for companies.
Through this standard, ILAS complies with the common criteria, which enables the measurement of purchasing management, the establishment of a continuous improvement process and the comparison of different processes implemented by business with a reference at European level.
You can download the document of accreditation below: